Crafty Types with @pinyatay
– Tatty Devine

Crafty Types with @pinyatay – Tatty Devine

Makers say hello to Kate, the talent behind the iconic Pinyatay custom pinatas and the face of our Gifts for Crafty Types guide! Post festive photoshoot, we caught up with Kate to talk about her love of crafts, nostalgic jewellery designs and go-to gifts…

TD: Tell us a bit about yourself… 

K: I make custom-made pinatas so anything you can think of from something to match a party theme to bespoke portraits to company logos. I have always loved parties, colour and crafting. I found pinatas were my thing when my son asked for one for his birthday. I couldn’t find exactly what he wanted so I made one and it has evolved from there into my full-time job. 

I love throwing parties and sharing my love of crafting with my children. I am trying to push myself out of my comfort zone this year by doing things like this shoot with Tatty Devine and saying yes to more collaborations. 

On the lookout for unique gifts for crafters? Stick with us for the best present ideas for him and her… First up? Take your pick from our Glue Gun Necklace and Glue Gun Brooch, both £40!

TD: Describe yourself in five words

K: I found this one really hard so I asked my daughter and she said Fun, Amazing and Happy – so I will go with those and add Creative and Messy into the mix! 

TD: Kate! You modelled our Crafty Types Gift Guide category: how did wearing our Mini Sewing Machine Necklace make you feel? 


It made me feel so nostalgic. I have really strong memories of my mum sitting at her sewing machine making costumes for my sister and me when we were young. She shared her love of sewing with me and now my children have very similar memories of me at my sewing machine making costumes for them. 


TD: Sew cute!

Looking for gifts for creatives? We’ve nailed it with this gift guide for ultimate present ideas for jewellery makers to creative types, including our NEW Jewellery Making Pliers Necklace, £30.

TD: What do you love most about all things crafty? 


K: I love trying new things and sharing them with friends and family. My ideal day is doing a craft workshop with friends – we have just done a tufting workshop at Design Junction in Winchester which was the most fun. My children always come up with ideas for costumes and projects to make together and I love sharing my skills with them – my son now has a collection of cardboard Star Wars helmets from past Halloween costumes that we can’t bear to throw away! 

TD: Favourite piece you wore on shoot day? 


K: So hard to choose because they are all so amazing but I think it has to be the Disco Ball Pendant. Disco balls are such a symbol of good times and great nights out. Plus it is one of my favourite pinatas to make. 

TD: And we were so lucky to have our own Disco Ball Pinata for the shoot! That was our highlight, but was your fave part of shoot day? 

K: The best part was getting my hair and make-up done and generally being made to feel a million dollars. Honestly, you were all so lovely and made me feel so welcome it was a real confidence boost. 

The ultimate alternative present for sewists? Spool them rotten with our go-to gift for under £30, the Mini Sewing Machine Brooch.

TD: Without giving too much away, which Tatty Devine piece would you gift to your BFF? 

K: Anything from the Witches Ritual collection would be perfect. 

TD: Picture this: you’ve just unwrapped your Christmas gifts. What makes a good present to you? 

K: Anything handmade or from a small business. I love supporting other small businesses and really appreciate the time and love that goes into each product.  


We totally agree! Discover the best of Christmas gifts, handmade in the UK in our Crafty Types Gift Guide now or get inspired by our full range of gift inspo