So, I realise that the ads are not working well for some of you – we are still learning how Ezoic (the ad server) works and what we can and can’t do without turning the site into a nightmare. Currently, we are turning the ad level further down but this takes a few days to happen. The ads that are being served are dynamic ads so will relate to something else you have been looking at before you came to BBB.
We also need to watch the metrics on the Google search console and other performance metrics which had gone temporarily haywire although are settling down to show no particular drop in traffic. It does seem that people are having very different ad experiences and yet the settings are exactly the same to serve everyone the same and we hope that’s something that will settle in time. I’m keeping them in place for the next couple of weeks to give it a fair crack – I was slightly panicked and thought I would just take them off entirely but realised that its only been just over a week.
In the meantime, there are other options to look at such as a paywall option or subscription option and one more thing that we are working on to give us complete control over what is served to you but it’s not an overnight option because we need to gather metrics from this experience to show as examples. But the upshot is that I need to give it a little more time and if it’s just not working for you I totally understand if you want to get your beauty news and reviews elsewhere. For those of you bearing with it, I am so grateful to you – thank you.
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All products are sent to me as samples from brands and agencies unless otherwise stated. Affiliate links may be used. Posts are not affiliate driven.