12 Restful Diffuser Blends For Sleep

12 Restful Diffuser Blends For Sleep

By Alison Angold | Qualified Aromatherapist | CIDESCO ITEC

Whether it’s falling asleep or staying asleep, insomnia is very hard to deal with. Laying in bed at 3 am wide awake is so frustrating!! Tossing, turning desperately trying to switch off your mind, is something many people experience.

A lady in bed, stretching and looking tired.  Diffuser blends for sleep

Good quality sleep is essential to keep our bodies functioning and our brains active, and sometimes we might just need a little help to get the sleep we need.

Adding essential oil diffuser blends for sleep into your night-time routine could be the answer you have been looking for, to not only make your bedroom smell amazing but to help you drift off into a good night’s sleep.

Various scientific studies have been carried out to test the effectiveness of essential oils and aromatherapy on sleep, with positive results.

The best diffuser blends for sleep

A diffuser on a table with essential oil bottles in front.

Bedtime Balance

Patchouli, Lavender & Bergamot

Night-time Nerve Soother

Lavender, Cedarwood & Mandarin

Emotional Calm

Marjoram, Lavender & Petitgrain

Stress-free Sleep

Petitgrain, Mandarin & Frankincense

Silent Night Serene

Lavender & Vetiver

Peace & Calm

Mandarin, Lavender & Chamomile

Tension soother

Lavender, Chamomile & Sandalwood

Peaceful Dreams

Bergamot, Cedarwood & Marjoram

Citrus Calm

Cypress, Mandarin & Petitgrain

Silent & Stress-free Night

Valerian, Lavender & Bergamot

Warm & Cosy Sleep

Patchouli, Mandarin, Orange & Frankincense

Calm, Soothe & Sleep

Clary sage, Petitgrain & Frankincense

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The best essential oils for sleep

Many essential oils are relaxing and sedating. Some are calming, while others are balancing.

All of the essential oils with these properties will help with sleep as they help to calm and slow breathing and heart rate, relieve tense muscles, and reduce the activity of the brain.

My favourite go-to essential oils for my diffuser sleep blends are below. They will also allow you to create many of the diffuser blends for sleep combinations, that we have looked at above.

  • Lavender
  • Bergamot
  • Mandarin
  • Petitgrain
  • Cedarwood
  • Chamomile
  • Patchouli
  • Frankincense
  • Marjoram

Purchase these oils here;


Lavender is an all-around good oil that relieves so many symptoms. In the case of sleep, it helps to relieve stress and anxiety, relaxes and soothes tense muscles, and stress-related conditions such as palpitations. All of this combined really prepares the body for sleep. (1)


A light citrus oil bergamot is good for relieving symptoms of anxiety and stress, therefore calming the body in preparation for sleep. The lighter scent also makes a good, balancing addition to some of the heavier oils used in the sleep diffuser blends.


Another light citrus oil that makes a welcome addition to some of the heavier blends, mandarin is a sedative that can help ease insomnia.


Petitgrain is a relaxing oil that is excellent for stress and anxiety and any associated problems, such as insomnia.


Cedarwood is a calming oil that is also a sedative for the nervous system. This means that the nerves will be calmed down so the mind can relax, thus inducing sleep. (2)

(Avoid during pregnancy)


A good essential oil for insomnia, chamomile is relaxing and calming. It is good for relieving anxiety and tension, so relaxes the mind and the body ready for sleep.


A heavier scented oil, patchouli is sedating, so really helps to calm and relax the mind and body in preparation for sleep.


Frankincense is a comforting, warming, and relaxing oil that relaxes and calms an overactive mind.


Calms and soothes the emotions and sedates the nervous system so really calming the body down in preparation for sleep.

(Avoid during pregnancy)

How do you use a diffuser for sleep?

Always read the instructions on your particular diffuser first, however, many diffusers are similar, and usually, 4-5 drops of each essential oil are added to the water within the diffuser.

I would suggest turning on the diffuser up to an hour before you want to go to bed so that the aroma from the oils have a chance to fill the room.

Then, when you are ready to retire to bed, the aromas will be in the air, ready for you to inhale the benefits.

Can you leave a diffuser on while you sleep?

Most diffusers have a safety mechanism which means they will switch themselves off, when they are empty, however, to be safe and to ensure the aromas do not get too overpowering, I always switch my diffuser off, as I get into bed.

Alternatively, fill your diffuser with less water – and therefore fewer drops of essential oils – so that you can leave the diffuser on, safe in the knowledge that it will turn off after a short while.

Another option is to buy a diffuser with a timer switch, which is the perfect option for your diffuser blends for sleep.

If you have loved these diffuser blends then you may like; CITRUS DIFFUSER BLENDS, FALL DIFFUSER BLENDS

About the Author
Alison Angold is a fully qualified (certified) beauty therapist, massage therapist, and aromatherapist from the UK. She has over 25 years of experience in this industry and has worked in a variety of beauty salons, spa’s as well as running her own successful beauty and massage business. Her career has allowed her to treat many, many clients, with skincare concerns, medical conditions, and a whole variety of other ailments and issues, which has enabled her to work closely with essential oils, prescribing specific blends for these clients to help with these conditions. Her qualifications in the use of essential oils and aromatherapy, allow her to share this knowledge with others, in a safe, reliable way.